Microsoft Access Resources

Build Your Skill Resources focus primarily on Microsoft Access tables, forms, queries and reports.  There are resources suitable for students with no prior knowledge of databases where they can practice creating and amending tables and filter specific information.

There are also more complex tasks for those working at an advanced level including aggregate functions and calculations in queries, forms and reports.

Unfortunately, our Access resources cannot be “paperless”. However, with each resource pack students will get step-by-step instructions for each task as well as a “Condensed Pack” that fits onto just 2 – 3 pages of A4.  Each resource has been designed so that there are plenty of hints and tips for the first 4 – 5 tasks and thereafter they get progressively more complex with less help, to get students thinking for themselves.

Microsoft Excel 2016 on-screen, paperless resources to help understand how to use percentages (%) in an Excel spreadsheet.

Build Your Skill – Summary of Resources

These PDF files gives an idea of what the Build Your Skill Resources look like by using a series of screenshots to give examples and an overview of tasks. 

BYS [BGE 1001] – Working with Business Applications 1

This pack is based around the SQA Technologies – Broad General Education mapping to National 3 and National 4 Administration and IT document and linking to TCH 3-08a. It focusses on Spreadsheets, Databases, Word and PowerPoint. There is plenty of practice on each with progression from basic to more challenging tasks. There is a video that outlines everything in this resource pack.(Please note there are now also tasks on databases, not shown in my video).

BYS [BGE 1002] – Working with Business Applications 2

This pack is based around the SQA Technologies – broad general education mapping to National 3 and National 4 Administration and IT document and linking to TCH 3-08a. It focusses on Spreadsheets, Databases, Word and PowerPoint. This is a progression from Working with Business Applications (1) and is set up as 8 mini projects. There is a video that outlines everything in this resource pack.
Queries Level 1, Database, Microsoft Access, N4 Admin & I.T, N5 Admin & I.T

BYS [DBV1002] – Queries (Level 1)

Basic query practice searching for specific text and sorting or descending on one field. See below for a full product description.
Queries Level 2, Microsoft Access, Databases, N5 Admin & I.T, Higher Admin & I.T

BYS [DBV1003] – Queries (Level 2)

Intermediate queries incorporating more complex criteria, eg searching between 2 values. See below for a full product description.
Queries Level 3, Database, Higher Admin & I.T, Queries, Aggregate Functions

BYS [DBV1005] – Queries (Level 3)

Plenty of practice using the aggregate function (sum/count/ave/max/min) then add/subtract/multiply & divide calculated fields. See below for a full product description.
Microsoft Access, Forms, Reports, N4 Admin & I.T, N5 Admin & I.T, Database

BYS [DBV1006] – Forms & Reports (Level 1)

Plenty of practice with basic Forms and Reports. See below for a full product description.
Microsoft Access Forms and Reports, N5 Admin & I.T

BYS [DBV1007] – Forms & Reports (Level 2)

More practice with Forms and Reports incorporating labels, sorting tables, queries and design view edits. See below for a full product description.
Forms and Reports (Level 3), Microsoft Access, H Admin & I.T,Database

BYS [DBV1008] – Forms & Reports (Level 3)

Aimed at Higher, lots of practice with forms and reports incorporating sub forms, design view edits, report grouping and summary, calculated fields in queries and reports.
N6 Administration and IT Pack

BYS [INT1001] – N6 Integrated Tasks (Pack 1)

Lots of practice with spreadsheets and databases. This pack is aimed at Higher Admin and IT and incorporates many of the skills you would expect to see in the Assignment. Pack 1 is based around Open Water Swimming Events.
N6 Administration and IT Pack

BYS [INT1002] – N6 Integrated Tasks (Pack 2)

Lots of practice with spreadsheets and databases. This pack is aimed at Higher Admin and IT and incorporates many of the skills you would expect to see in the Assignment. Pack 2 is based around a Business Support and Training Organisation.
N6 Administration and IT Pack

BYS [INT1003] – N6 Integrated Tasks (Pack 3)

Lots of practice with spreadsheets and databases. This pack is aimed at Higher Admin and IT and incorporates many of the skills you would expect to see in the Assignment. Pack 3 is based around Summer Activity Camps and Holiday Accommodation.

BYS [INT1004] – N5 Integrated Tasks (Pack 1)

Plenty of practice with spreadsheets, databases, word and powerpoint, this pack is aimed at N5 Admin and IT and incorporates many of the skills you would expect to see in the Assignment. Pack 1 is based around a car wash and valeting business.

BYS [INT1005] – N5 Integrated Tasks (Pack 2)

Plenty of practice with spreadsheets, databases, word and powerpoint, this pack is aimed at N5 Admin and IT and incorporates many of the skills you would expect to see in the Assignment. Pack 2 is based around a football club.

BYS [INT1006] – N5 Integrated Tasks (Pack 3)

Plenty of practice with spreadsheets, databases, word and powerpoint, this pack is aimed at N5 Admin and IT and incorporates many of the skills you would expect to see in the Assignment. Pack 3 is based around an administrator working on a cruise ship.

BYS [INT1007] – N4 Integrated Pack 1

Plenty of practice with Spreadsheets, Databases, Word and PowerPoint, this pack is aimed at N4 Admin and IT and incorporates the skills as per the N4 Unit Specification for the IT Solutions For Administrators Unit.  Pack 1 is based around an ice-cream business.

BYS [INT1008] – N4 Integrated Pack 2

Plenty of practice with Spreadsheets, Databases, Word and PowerPoint, this pack is aimed at N4 Admin and IT and incorporates the skills as per the N4 Unit Specification for the IT Solutions For Administrators Unit.  Pack 2 is based It is based around a Scottish loch with camping, wildlife and water activities and a community trying to keep it clean and safe.

BYS [INT1009] – N4 Integrated Pack 3

Plenty of practice with Spreadsheets, Databases, Word and PowerPoint, this pack is aimed at N4 Admin and IT and incorporates the skills as per the N4 Unit Specification for the IT Solutions For Administrators Unit.  Pack 3 is based around and IT Training Business.

BYS [INT1011] – PDA IT in Business L7 (Access Database)

The Professional Development Award (PDA) in Information Technology in Business at SCQF level 7 delivers the skills and knowledge needed for a range of administrative roles. It has particular emphasis on the use of IT within a business environment. This pack focusses on the Access Database element of the award.

Fix the Excel Error for H Admin

All the Spreadsheet tasks from the 2018 - 2023 Higher Admin & IT Assignments with errors that need to be fixed