BYS [DBV1005] – Queries (Level 3)


Plenty of practice using the aggregate function (sum/count/ave/max/min) then add/subtract/multiply & divide calculated fields. See below for a full product description.


This unit begins with queries using the aggregate function; sum / count / average / max / min. These fields need to be re-named appropriately (ie “SumOfNo in Party” to “Total No. Passengers”). There is also sorting in ascending and descending order in specified fields. The unit moves onto calculated fields, beginning with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing and creating & appropriately naming a new field. There is also practise with formatting fields, e.g. currency and two decimal places. The unit finishes with a series of tasks that incorporate searching between two values and applying a formula in a calculated field and a little more practice on using the aggregate function. ** A step-by-step task sheet is included as well as a condensed task sheet and solutions **