BYS [SSV1016] – Working with Excel (1)


Lots of practice with Excel editing, formulas and functions.  See below for a full product description.


This unit has been designed to prepare for the N4 an N5 Admin & IT Assignment with a greater emphasis on N5. There is plenty of practice with formatting such as bold, italics, underline, column width, cell alignment, font style and colour changes, merging and wrapping text, currency etc. There is practice creating and labelling graphs. The tasks have also been designed to test knowledge of basic formulas including add, multiply, divide, subtract, auto-sum, average, max, min and moving between worksheets. There is also practice on sorting data, using absolute cell referencing ($), 3-D Formulas, named cells, IF Statements, working with %’s  and VAT and sub-totalling. One of the tasks (Task 14) is a mail merge to a word document from a worksheet.

All the instructions are on screen with additional “help sheets” provided. Suggested Solutions also included as well as a task list that outlines in detail what is required for each task.


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